Cai Hongshuo
蔡 鸿 硕
CRISTAL CITY Resin Transparent+Photo+Aluminum Sheet 6Editions 40x40cm
He is an artist specializing in photography, painting, and video art.
He studied at the China Academy of Fine Arts from 1999 to 2003, and in 2014, he obtained his master's degree from Chelsea College of Art, University of the Arts London.
He was born in Hunan Province, China, and grew up in various cities. He previously worked at the Shanghai Gallery of Art and taught art at ACG, an educational group in Beijing. He now resides and works in Cádiz, Spain as a professional artist.
2023 Solo exhibition. Espacio Lavadero. Granada, Spain.
2010 Frontline Contemporary Gallery, Shanghai.
2009 ESPACE ART 22, Brussels, Belgium.
2021 Short film A DAY finalist in Fiction Film Festival and Europa Fil Festival,Barcelona
Officially selected by Unrestricted View Film Festival, London
Short film CÁDIZ BLUE semifinalist in ARFF Amsterdam // International Awards
2019 24th Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art,
Museum House of Humour and Satire. Gabrovo, Bulgaria.
Clein Plane-A Shared Field of Shell and Ghost. Wuhan Museum,China.
2018 12th Arte Laguna Prize, Nappe Arsenale Nord. Venice, Italy
in Double Click.Museum of Shenzhen University,China.
2017 in LCADA Los Angeles USA
Fanx Art Space Guangzhou,Chian.
Banana Jam Gallery Shenzhen, China.
2016 Art Elysees art fair, Paris
2015 The 1st Shenzhen Biennale of Contemporary Art, Shekou ShenZhen,China.
2013 VOZ Gallery Paris, France.
ESPACE ART 22, Brussels, Belgium
2014 The Cook House Space In Chelsea College of Art And Design, London.
Triangle Space In Chelsea College Of Art And Design, London.
2011 Midsummer, OFOTO Gallery, Shanghai.
Ladder to the Heaven, The 3rd Dali International Photography Exhibition, Dali,China.
Cai Hongshuo Photography Exhibition, Frontline Contemporary Gallery, Shanghai,China.
Through the Looking Glass, babu Gallery, Beijing / babu Space, Shenzhen, China.
2010 CDS Art & Visibility, Danmark.
2009 New Lay - Out, Shanghai,China.
Two - Timing, ARTSEA Photography Studio&Gallery, Shanghai,China.
Chinese Contemporary Art, Silfok, Hungary.
2008 Up-to-Date, Around Art, Shanghai,China.